Pitch Positions And Planning Of Tensions

(Composition functions stand only in Obtiv Octava Composer, Obtiv Octava TS5 and Obtiv Octava TS10 to the disposal)

You will find the button in the tool-bar under < Compose>

1. Pitch position

Generally, the possibility of a pitch position-planning exists. That is, at which time a composition rule goes with pitch position into a narrowness or wideness, it can be pretended.

It is necessary to mark the corresponding bars and voices and, to click at the button:   Then, the boxed symbols indicate how far the bass can move downward as well as "has to move". Through moving the boxed symbols upward or downward , the pitch position narrows as well as stretch in the construction of following composition rule.

2. Dissonances

With composition rules, that admit a dissonance-planning, you can change the planned tension at this counting beat in the bar through double-click on a boxed symbol (see above). (The tension, according to composition rule, corresponds to the quantity of certain dissonances and is shown in numeric characters.

In order to generate the box-symbols, it is necessary like with the pitch position-planning  to mark the corresponding bars and voices and, to click at the button..

Consequently, you can pretend the climax of a phrase or melody through increase as well as decline the quantity of dissonances.

4. Voice-leadership

You can pretend, how the moves of individual voices should be generated, how very much the composition rule should get the bearings by the pre-determined entered chords and how much easily playable the individual voices must become like .

(see voice leadership goals).